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How I Manifested My Italian Fiancé

Writer's picture: Amby MathurAmby Mathur

Updated: May 17, 2024

Marco on one knee asking Amby to marry him
Marco proposed to me in the Amalfi Coast!

BIG NEWS- Marco & I just got engaged! I am so incredibly grateful to have met my soulmate, and I am 100% convinced that our paths meeting was not a coincidence. Why? I manifested him.

You're probably rolling eyes, thinking, "What a load of woo-woo." Don't believe me? Read this blog and let me know if you still don't believe in manifestation by the end...


4/30/2022: I wrote it down.

Manifestation journal
My journal

577 days ago I was feeling down in a slump, and my sister suggested I write out my feelings. I think everyone should do this exercise once a year! This month is a great time to do it. Grab a warm drink, light a candle, grab a cozy blanket, turn your phone on airplane mode, throw it in a drawer, and get out your pen. Here are the prompts:

  1. Who do I wish to be?

  2. What do I wish to do?

  3. What am I proud of from this past year?

  4. What is no longer serving me?

  5. List of my dream partner attributes

  6. Other thoughts

I let myself write without holding back and without judgment. When I got to question #5, I allowed myself to think of the most perfect human possible for me, a man I didn't know existed, but that I wanted to meet. I described this fictional man's physical and emotional aspects, as well as his hobbies and interests.

I wrote, "My dream guy is tall, tan, brunette, strong, smart, charming (but not sleazy,) faithful, in love with me, makes me stoked, funny, social, interesting, succesful, financially strong, caring, good at touch- brushes my hair, massages me, dances with me well, cuddles. Loves traveling, is well educated, a good cook, spoils me, suprises me, loves dogs. Has a good family who we both love, connects with my family, makes us all laugh! Respectul. Spontaneous. Adventurous... Makes me exited about marriage and our future."

Y'all. I literally wrote a character description of Marco, three months before I knew of his existence.

6/26/2022: I acted on a feeling.

the famous gallery in milan italy
Milan, Italy

In June I spontaneously left by myself on a trip to Europe. I planned absolutely nothing, because I wanted to go with the flow and see what happened. I had a strong feeling that I was supposed to go to Italy, so I found a housesitting opportunity in Milan through the app Trusted Housesitters and made my way there. While I was in Milan, I connected with a mutual friend and asked him for advice on the city. He, being from Southern Italy, shared with me his bias against the north and invited me to join him and his friends for his birthday party at the end of July in Naples and the Amalfi Coast. It seemed strange to me that a stranger would invite me to his birthday party, but I decided I would go in the spirit of following the flow.

7/22/2022: I spoke it into existence.

A beautiful hostel with olive groves and the sunset in tuscan countryside
The Ostello Bigallo in Tuscany

A week before the party, I was in the Tuscan countryside at the charming Ostello del Bigallo. One morning, after a vivid nightmare of a family member's death, I woke up to the news that my grandfather had just passed away. In grief and shock, I went for a long walk in the olive groves to process my feelings. After a while I returned back to the hostel, caked in dried sweat and tears, to find that the hostel check out time had passed and that the location had turned into wedding venue. Needing to get inside the building to collect my things and freshen up, I awkwardly weaved my way through a crowd of gorgeous Italian men in dark blue suits.

"There you are! We were wondering what happened to you! We're just about to leave for a wine tasting, want to come?" greeted one of my new hostel friends when I entered the reception area.

I quickly wiped myself with a face wipe, threw on a dark blue dress that I had packed in my backpack for moments like these, and exited the hostel with the last remaining group of stragglers. Passing once more past the group of attractive Italians, I jokingly whispered to my friend, "Damn, I need to find myself an Italian husband."

I met Marco 6 days later.

7/28/2022: I saw him for the first time.

Marco and Amby on a boat in Napoli
Marco took me boating for our first date

I had made my way down to Southern Italy and was cooking spaghetti pomodoro at at the birthday boy's house in Naples when I saw him for the first time. He entered the home, the sunlight in the doorway casting a golden halo around his curly hair, his eyes a piercing blue, and his tan skin glistening with just a hint of sweat from the hot July day.

I was an absolute goner. Without thinking, I blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"You look really hot." I said, stupified by this man's beauty. "Uh.. want some water?" I quickly added, my heart beating a million times a minute while I held out a cold glass of sparkling water.

A screenshot of a text
Texting my mom

"Graze. Marco, piacere." He said, smiling and accepting the water from my slightly shaking hand.

He took me out on our first date the next day, and we've been inseperable ever since.

I even texted my mom a week later, saying "Mom I think I met my future husband."

11/4/2023: He proposed!

Amby and Marco standing with a gorgeous view of the Amalfi Coast
We got engaged in Praiano

The proposal was picture- perfect. We had been shooting content for the Hotel Margherita, a gorgeous 4 star hotel in Praiano in the Amalfi Coast. The photographer suggested that we make our way to the nearby piazza to shoot the local scenery.

We arrived at the Piazza di San Gennaro, and were amazed to see that we had the piazza all to ourselves, in the middle of a Saturday! (One of the perks of visiting the Amalfi Coast during off-season, which I will share more about in my next blog article.)

To make it more incredible, the sky looked like a Michelangelo painting, with the sun shining through the clouds in a heavenly way. Marco took my hand in his, the chuch bells rang as if it was a sign, and then he popped the question.

"Will you marry me?" He asked, holding out the ring while taking a knee. It felt surreal.

"Si! Si si si si si!" I exclaimed, and the church bells rang again, as if on cue.

I can't wait to marry him.

Amby and Marco at the piazza in Praiano Amalfi Coast
I said yes!

So, what do you think?

Did I manifest my fiancé or was it all just a happy coincidence?

Let me know on social: IG/ TikTok/ YouTube: @ambymathur

Un bacio,



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